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Community Outreach

Community Engagement 

BCOMM worked with The Port of San Francisco to share the latest Waterfront Resilience Program (WRP) with Community Based Organizations and Youth Groups

as part of the first phase of community engagement for the critical program.

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The Port’s Waterfront Resilience Program reinforces the Ports and its regional and citywide assets, and are resilient in the face of hazards such as earthquakes, flooding, and sea level rise due to climate change, shoreline erosion, and other natural disasters.


Phase 1 Engagement 

Phase 1 Engagement included roadshow presentations at community meetings, community convenings, youth engagement presentations and in-language sessions. All meetings were conducted virtually due to the pandemic.


Community Based Organization Roadshow 

These presentations were given during a group’s standing meeting by joining as an item on the agenda. Roadshows were 15-30 minutes in length followed by 10-20 minutes for Q&A. These presentations were given to CBOs, political organizations and clubs, advisory boards, business networks and neighborhood organizations. 


Community Convenings

One meeting was conducted in this format for two neighborhood groups, the District 3 Democratic Club and Telegraph Hill Dwellers. This presentation lasted 30 minutes with nearly 25 minutes of Q&A.


Youth Engagement 

These presentations were given to youth organization members ranging in age from 7-18 years old. The majority were two-part engagements. Part one included a 15-20 min WRP presentation (with live polling throughout), time for Q&A, and a creative prompt where the participants were challenged to come up with ideas to mitigate flood or seismic risks along the waterfront. Part two gave students the opportunity to share their creations back with Port staff. A $25 stipend was offered to each youth participant.

 Video Credit: BayCat

Some of What We Heard

Questions related to efforts being taken to protect wetlands, and how the Port treats gray water.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

Partnership and Coordination 

What are the resilience efforts of neighboring cities? And how is the Port working with other government agencies, private entities, or non-profit entities, such as the YMCA, to mitigate climate changes?

Equitable Waterfront 

Young people in San Francisco want to see more family/youth-friendly, free or affordable activities along the waterfront.

How to Help

Young people want to understand how they can remain engaged with the Port, what they can do to help with the WRP efforts aside from seeing their ideas on paper, and how their feedback will be used/implemented in the next phase of the WRP.


Knowledge is Power

After distilling the feedback from the community, we were able to map common issues such as life safety, asset protection, environmental protection, social issues (housing, employment, education, etc.) in San Francisco and share them with the Port to inform future planning for WRP. For more information on the SF Port’s Waterfront Resilience Program and its efforts, or how you or your organization can participate,




Mason Tillman and Associates

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